Immersion in Forrest Yoga 2024 at Yogaone Mandri

You can buy the immersion + the Ana i Jose Calarco Workshop in Barcelona for only €590 until January 31

Practice with some of the best European teachers of Forrest Yoga: Ambra , Ilias, Bessy & Katy during 4 weekends where you can deepen in this transformative practice. 

Immersion in Forrest Yoga 2024 at Yogaone Mandri



TAX included


20, 21 April 

11,12 May

1 , 2 juny

20, 21 July



YogaOne Mandri

Ciudad de Balaguer 19, Barcelona.


mornings from 8,30 to 11,30

from 13:00 to 16:00


100h training

Immersion in Forrest Yoga + Global Yoga Congress 2024 at Yogaone Mandri

Practice with some of the best European Forrest Yoga teachers: Ambra Vallo, Ilias, Bessy & Katy for 4 weekends where you can delve deeper into this transformative practice.


Forrest Yoga is a style of yoga developed by renowned yoga teacher Ana Forrest. It is characterized as a physically intense and deeply therapeutic practice that focuses on the connection between body, mind and spirit. Forrest Yoga Key Features:

1. Focus on Breathing: Forrest Yoga emphasizes the importance of conscious, deep breathing as a means of releasing physical and emotional tensions. Specific breathing techniques are used to improve oxygenation of the body and promote relaxation.

2. Creative Posture Sequences: Ana Forrest has developed a series of unique and creative postures that are used in Forrest Yoga classes. These cleverly designed poses aim to strengthen and stretch the body, while working on releasing built-up tensions.

3. Attention to Alignment: Although Forrest Yoga is a challenging style, special attention is paid to proper alignment of the postures. This minimizes the risk of injury and allows for safer and more effective practice.

4. Focus on healing: Ana Forrest developed this style of yoga as a personal healing tool, having overcome her own traumas and addictions through the practice of yoga. As a result, Forrest Yoga is considered a therapeutic practice that seeks to address not only physical well-being, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

5. Inclusion of meditation and spirituality: Throughout Forrest Yoga classes, moments of meditation and reflection are incorporated. This allows practitioners to connect more deeply with their inner being and explore spiritual aspects of yoga practice.

6. Ceremonies and rituals: In Forrest Yoga classes, purification ceremonies and indigenous rituals are performed. These activities add a spiritual and ritualistic dimension to the practice, which can be deeply transformative.

In short, Forrest Yoga is a style of yoga that combines physical intensity with meticulous attention to breathing, alignment, and personal healing. It has become a valuable practice for those seeking a holistic yoga experience that addresses not only the body, but also the mind and spirit.


April 20 and 21: Bessy Trigka
May 11 and 12: Ilias Kousis
June 1 and 2: Katy Schechinger, Bego Olivé and Pati Peguero.
July 20 and 21: Ambra Vallo
To obtain the 100h certification you need:

In-person attendance at all workshops
20 hours of practice
Pass theoretical exam


Price until January 31

  • Single payment: €490
  • Split payment option (10% increase)  reserve €200 and two payments of €170

Final price:

  • Single payment: €550
  • Split payment option (10% increase), reserve €300 and a payment of €300

​You can buy the immersion + the Ana i Jose Calarco Workshop in Barcelona for only €590 until January 31


MODULE 1 April 20 and 21 with Bessy Trigka "The healing path of Forrest Yoga"

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Morning session (8:30 to 11:30): Master the basic movements of Forrest Yoga.

  • Focused on creating space in the torso, establishing a solid foundation through grounding and exploring the Ujjayi breathing technique. Ideal for building a transformative and sustainable yoga practice.

Afternoon session (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): Exploring Hips, Neck and Shoulders.

  • It focuses on releasing tension in stress-prone areas using hip-opening poses, gentle stretches, and breath work to relieve tension and promote relaxation.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Morning session (8:30 to 11:30): Breathing and spirit; Manifest your spirit -

  • Backbend class. Deepen the connection between breath and spirit, with a sequence of backbends that opens the heart and expands the chest, cultivating courage and resilience.

Afternoon session (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): Integrity and Strength: Connecting to the core -

  • Inverted class. This class is designed to strengthen from the core and explore investing safely and with confidence, helping you overcome fear and experience the joy of investing perspective.

Suitable for all levels of practice, these workshops offer a path to relieve physical discomfort, emotional stress and deepen your yoga practice.

MODULE 2: May 11th and 12th with ILIAS KOUSIS Ally yourself with your fear and open your heart: 

Saturday, May 11:

Morning Session (8:30 to 11:30): Session entitled "Ally Your Fear" 

  • Focusing on recognizing and facing the fears that influence our life choices, through education about body patterns and using tools to challenge these fears through asana sequences. Open to all levels, including pregnant women and people with injuries.

Afternoon Session (13:00 to 16:00):

  • Q&A session, introduction to the principles of Forrest Yoga adjustments and a visualizations/meditation practice.

Sunday, May 12:

Morning Session (8:30 to 11:30): "Connect with the Wisdom of Your Heart"

  • Session, designed to learn to listen to the subtle guidance of your heart, identifying true spiritual desires and purposes through a backward bending sequence that relaxes the heart area. Suitable for all levels, including pregnant women and people with injuries.

Afternoon Session (13:00 to 16:00):

  • Continues with a question and answer session, basic Forrest Yoga adjustments and visualization/meditation practices.

MODULE 3: June 1 and 2, The power of the Standing Asana.

Saturday June 1: Katy Schechinger

Morning Session (8:30 to 11:30): Powerful practice exploring the warriors.

  • Practice standing postures with the warrior variations that Forrest Yoga proposes for an empowering and strengthening practice

Afternoon Session (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): The power of Ceremony,

  • Gentle practice with introduction to music and ceremony and their role in Forrest Yoga.

Sunday June 2: with Katy Schechinger

Morning Session (8:30 to 11:30): Explore your creativity.

  • Complete Forrest Yoga practice focused on standing postures and their variations

Afternoon Session (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): The power of savasana

  • Relaxing practice and adjustment workshop in savasana.

MODULE 4 _ Prana and Life Force
Saturday, July 20th
Morning session (8:30 - 11:30): "Prana and Opening".

  • Pranayama: We will begin by focusing the mind and spirit through breathing exercises that will prepare your body for the practice.
  • Backbends: We will delve into back postures to open the chest, release tension and cultivate energy. These postures not only improve flexibility, but also have a deep emotional impact, inviting openness and acceptance.

Afternoon session (13:00 - 16:00): "Strength and Lightness".

  • Arm balances: In this session we will defy gravity, balancing strength and flexibility. Ambra will guide you through postures that require concentration and dedication, developing stability and confidence.

Sunday, July 21st
Morning session (8:30 - 11:30): "Renewed Perspectives."

  • Inverted postures: we will learn how to approach inversions with confidence, working from a solid base to the top. This block is designed to strengthen, offer a fresh perspective and increase self-confidence.

Afternoon session (13:00 - 16:00): "Integration and Harmony".

  • Integrating practice: We will close the workshop with a session that combines all the elements worked on during the course. This integrative practice emphasizes the connection between breath, alignment, strength, flexibility and balance, culminating in a complete Forrest Yoga experience.


Ambra Vallo

Ambra Vallo

Dharma Yoga / Rocket Yoga / Forrest Yoga Heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra, her goal is to guide others so that they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul. Ambra was the principal dancer of the Birmingham Royal Ballet. He started with yoga to recover from the injuries caused by the demanding training regime of professional dancers. Apart from becoming a hobby, she was accredited as a yoga teacher to help improve and prolong her professional career. Slowly, over the years, he fell in love with the most subtle and spiritual parts of the practice. Ambra's teaching is fun and spontaneous, heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra. Their goal is to guide others so they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul.

Bessy Trigka

Bessy Trigka

Bessy Trigka is a distinguished Forrest Yoga teacher who has been dedicated to the practice since 2008. A true pioneer, Bessy Trigka took the initiative to introduce Forrest Yoga to Greece, becoming a catalyst for the growth of the Forrest Yoga practice in the region. Bessy also marked the beginning of a movement that has inspired many others in Greece to embrace this unique and powerful style. Her journey into the world of yoga began with a desire to explore the depths of the mind and body, leading her to the transformative teachings of the renowned Ana Forrest, the creatix of Forrest Yoga. Ana Forrest, a pioneer in the world of yoga, recognized Bessy's unique approach and dedication, fostering a mentor-mentee relationship that has significantly influenced Bessy's teaching style. Under the mentorship and Ana Forrest guidance, Bessy not only honed her practice but also became a beloved and respected teacher in her own right. In 2009, Bessy realized her dream of establishing the "All in Yoga" studio in Greece, a space dedicated to fostering a supportive and transformative yoga community. With an impressive teaching experience of over 15,000 hours, Bessy has honed her skills and refined her approach to guide students through a practice that goes beyond the physical postures, delving into the emotional and spiritual aspects of yoga. Her classes are known for their depth, authenticity, and a unique blend of strength and sensitivity. Recently Bessy Trigka has transitioned into a new chapter of her yoga journey. Fueled by a relentless passion for spreading the transformative power of Forrest Yoga, she has embarked on a journey of global exploration. Travelling with Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco, Bessy is taking her teachings beyond borders, sharing her wisdom and love for the practice with communities around the world. As a teacher, studio owner, and global ambassador for Forrest Yoga, Bessy Trigka continues to inspire and uplift those on the path to self-discovery and holistic well-being.

Ilias Kousis

Ilias Kousis

"Ilias is a Level 5 - Forrest Yoga Guardian, handpicked by Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco and Energy Medicine practitioner, who has studied at Dr. Alberto Villoldo's Light Body School from Four Winds Society. He is based in Oslo, where he teaches Forrest Yoga full-time. He is offering group, private and corporate yoga classes, as well as workshops and bigger events such as teacher trainings, immersions and retreats. He loves helping his students open up new neurological pathways and heal their physical and emotional pain through Forrest Yoga, Ceremony and therapeutic hands-on assists. His classes are intense – yet accessible to all levels – and provide a unique blending of playfulness and discipline as well as finding softness within strength. His intelligently created sequences are based on his deep understanding of anatomy and they create a feeling of harmony, relief and space in the body and mind. Very often his sequences help the practitioners to dissolve old scar tissue and free themselves from trauma safely, while Ilias supports them fully. Ilias is expert on seeing energy and addressing the specific needs of his students each moment, even in a group class. He also loves working on the energetic body of his students by purifying it, so that they can grow new body that heals and ages differently. He can also perform extractions and soul retrieval ceremonies for his clients in order to help them release any malevolent energies that keep them stuck, or invite parts of their Spirit back to their body so that they can feel whole again. His scientific background as geoscientist helps him to be structured and succinct with his guidance both in yoga and ceremonies. He knows how to marry spirituality and science in a way that makes sense. His goal is for the student to leave the classes feeling energised, inspired and spacious in body and mind, so that they can live their lives in a way that makes them feel proud of themselves."

Pati Peguero

Pati Peguero

Pati Peguero is an outstanding yoga teacher with a solid background and a deep passion for yoga and its philosophy. She trained in the first promotion of Yogaone with Jordi Canela and Andrei Ram, who continue to be her teachers and companions along the way. Throughout her career, she has received countless hours of training from teachers of different lineages and approaches to yoga. Among the teachers who have influenced her practice are Gustavo Ponce, Ana Forrest, Jose Calarco, Mohini, Twee Merrigan, Yoshio Hama, Gustavo Plaza, Mariangel Romero, Arjuna, Danilo Hernandez, Yiannis Andritsos, John Scott, Christopher Harrison, Cayetana Rodenas and Janet Stone, to name a few. She has also attended workshops given by renowned teachers such as David Swenson, Manju Jois, Simon Park, Eyal Shifroni, Silvie Trembley, Rodney Yee, Colleen Sandman, Ana Forrest, Jose Calarco and many more. With almost 15 years of experience as a hatha yoga teacher, Pati has specialized in working with beginners, enjoying accompanying them in their evolution in yoga. Meditation within the yoga tradition or under the scope of mindfulness is also one of her pillars both as a practitioner and as a teacher and trainer. Since the age of 18, she has been passionate about India, its culture and mythology, as well as the philosophy that surrounds it. Currently, her focus is on the Yoga Sutras and the Bagavah Gita, under the guidance of her teacher Mohini. Her personal practice combines the Hatha Raja Yoga of Andrei Ram with the sequences and pawamuktasanas of GP Balance, keeping meditation as the basis of her stability and coherence. Constantly evolving, she constantly draws from the teachings of the various teachers with whom she has the honor to practice and collaborate. Pati considers herself an eternal student and, from that humility, enjoys sharing her vision of yoga as a way of life. She is a channel through which the philosophy of yoga and its pillars can reach in a pleasant but precise way any student who, like her, has the desire to learn. For Pati, the Yamas and Niyamas are the key to the door of yoga, and practice with detachment is a tool to enhance her understanding and personal development. Pati is currently focused on her work as a teacher trainer and specializing in Hormonal Yoga with Gustavo Ponce and Forrest Yoga with Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco. She is part of the international team of GPBalance, and has also qualified as a Forrest Yoga teacher as she continues to train and expand her knowledge. Pati is one of the few Spanish teachers accredited by the Ministry of Education in this field, which demonstrates her commitment to the professionalization of yoga and her ability to transmit and share her knowledge in a rigorous and effective way.



TAX included


TAX included


TAX included

Workshop of Forrest Yoga with Ambra Vallo


TAX included

saturday & sunday from 8,30 to 11,30 & from 13 to 16

20,21 january 2024

YogaOne Mandri C/ Ciutat de balaguer 19 Barcelona

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