Forrest Yoga Intensive Workshop with Ambra Vallo: Prana, Strength and Transformation

Discover Forrest Yoga, a style developed by Ana T. Forrest that focuses on the connection between mind, body and spirit, and aims to address physical and emotional tensions stored in the body.

Ambra is one of the most recognized Forrest Yoga teachers in Europe, who accompanies Ana and Jose in their training around the world.

Forrest Yoga with Ambra Vallo BARCELONA 2024



TAX included


July 20 and 21, 2024


YogaOne Mandri C/ Ciutat de Balaguer 19 , Barcelona


Morning from 8.30 to 11.30

afternoon from 13 to 16


Intensive Workshop of Forrest Yoga with Ambra Vallo: Prana, Strenght and Transformation

Embark on a transformative Forrest Yoga journey with the outstanding instructor Ambra Vallo this July 20 and 21. This workshop is specially designed to enrich your practice, offering you tools to deepen your connection with the breath, strengthen your body and mind, and find a dynamic balance. Suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners, prepare for two days of total immersion in the art and science of Forrest Yoga.

Saturday, July 20

Morning (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.): Pranayama and Backbends - Prana and Opening: We will start the day with pranayama practices to center the mind, calm the spirit and prepare the body. Next, we will delve into the world of stretches, exploring how these powerful postures can help open the heart, release tension and energize the body. This combination of conscious breathing and backbends will allow you to experience a feeling of expansion and freedom. You will discover that the extensions, at the hands of Forrest Yoga, have a transformative power and are kinder to your body because of how the practice is accompanied and structured.

Afternoon (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): Arm Balances - Strength and Lightness: Defy gravity and explore your inner strength with a session dedicated to arm balances. Through Ambra's expert guide, you will discover how to balance strength and flexibility, developing greater stability and confidence in poses that require both concentration and delivery.

Sunday, July 21

Morning (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.): Investments - Renewed Perspectives: Immerse yourself in investment practice, from the most accessible to the most advanced. This class will focus on building a solid foundation, promoting core strength and correct alignment for a safe and empowering practice. You will learn to approach investments with a renewed sense of courage and adventure.

Afternoon (1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.): Integrative Practice - The Essence of Forrest Yoga: We will conclude the workshop with an integrative session that will combine all the elements worked on over the weekend. This comprehensive practice will allow you to experience the synergy between pranayama, standing postures, backbends, arm balances, and inversions. Strengthening the connection between mind, body and spirit, this class will be the perfect end to a weekend of deep exploration and personal growth.

This workshop with Ambra Vallo invites you to immerse yourself in a Forrest Yoga experience that will not only transform your physical practice but also offer you valuable tools for daily life. Join us on this journey of encouragement, strength and transformation.

Forrest Yoga incorporates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of humanity, and links them through the 4 fundamental pillars for a deeper and holistic evolution.

It all starts with the ability to connect with the breath, deepen it and lead it towards your inner nature. You develop the ability to breathe fresh and healing energy into the areas of your body that need it.

Forrest Yoga teaches you to be proficient in safely adapting each position to work for you, specifically with physical and emotional injuries. By learning to work honestly within your limits, you develop effective tools to deal with fear and struggle. This makes it possible for integrity, self-knowledge and playful curiosity to be part of daily life.

Connecting with the core, building emotional and physical strength as you work at your limits to face and heal your pain, as well as the investigation of the vision in the Mystery.

Learn to find your Spirit, connect with your Spirit and take actions that strengthen this connection.


Ambra Vallo

Ambra Vallo

Dharma Yoga / Rocket Yoga / Forrest Yoga Heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra, her goal is to guide others so that they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul. Ambra was the principal dancer of the Birmingham Royal Ballet. He started with yoga to recover from the injuries caused by the demanding training regime of professional dancers. Apart from becoming a hobby, she was accredited as a yoga teacher to help improve and prolong her professional career. Slowly, over the years, he fell in love with the most subtle and spiritual parts of the practice. Ambra's teaching is fun and spontaneous, heiress of the lineage of Larry Shultz, Ana Forrest and Sri Dharma Mittra. Their goal is to guide others so they can also experience the many amazing benefits of yoga on the body, mind and soul.



TAX included


TAX included


TAX included

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