Discover the transformative power of Forrest Yoga with Bessy Trigka in this exciting weekend workshop. Through carefully designed sessions, you will embark on a profound journey towards physical, emotional and spiritual healing. This workshop is designed for all levels of practice, from beginners to advanced yogis, and is a perfect opportunity to deepen your connection with yoga and yourself.


20 & 21 april 2024


Ciutat de Balaguer, 19

08022 Barcelona

Teléfono: 936 09 45 45

Ciutat de Balaguer, 19

08022 Barcelona

Teléfono: 936 09 45 45


morning from 8.30 to 11.30

afternoon from 1pm to 4pm


WEEKEND WORKSHOP: The healing path of Forrest Yoga

A journey with Forrest Yoga

These workshops promise to be enriching experiences, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental elements and basic principles of Forrest Yoga.

Guided by the transformative teachings of Forrest Yoga, these sessions promise to deepen your practice and nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Saturday, April 20, 2024
Morning session (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.): Master the basic movements of Forrest Yoga

Learn to create space and length in your torso to open your chest and facilitate deeper breathing. Discover the importance of grounding through active feet and hands to establish a solid foundation in your practice. Explore the powerful pranayama technique of Ujjayi breathing, also known as “ocean breathing,” to cultivate warmth, concentration, and mindfulness. Learn to synchronize breathing with movement to create a rhythmic, meditative flow. Immerse yourself in the transformative practice of deep breathing to nourish your body with oxygen and release tension and stress. Explore shoulder “wrapping” techniques to create stability and integrity in your postures while maintaining freedom and ease in your upper body.

Build a solid foundation for a sustainable and transformative yoga practice by mastering the basic movements of Forrest Yoga. Whether you're new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this workshop offers valuable ideas and techniques to support your journey on and off the mat.

Afternoon session (1pm to 4pm): Exploring Hips, Neck and Shoulders

The hips, neck and shoulders are areas where we tend to accumulate stress and emotional tension. In this workshop, immerse yourself in a series of hip-opening poses designed to release tension, increase mobility, and cultivate freedom of movement. Discover how opening your hips can lead to greater stability, balance, and emotional release. Through gentle stretching, mindful movement, and breath work, you will find relief from tension and create space for relaxation and calm. Explore how shoulder opening can improve posture, relieve shoulder pain, and promote a sense of openness and expansion.

Sunday April 21, 2024
Morning session (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.): Breathing and spirit; Manifest your spirit - Backbend Class
Immerse yourself in the transformative practice of Forrest Yoga designed to awaken your inner fire, expand your heart, and manifest your spirit. Deepen your understanding of the profound connection between breath and spirit in yoga. Through focused breath work (pranayama) and conscious movement, you will learn to use the power of your breath to awaken vitality and presence, allowing your spirit to shine brightly. Immerse yourself in a sequence of heart-opening backbends designed to expand your chest, free your spine, and cultivate courage and resilience. Through guided meditation and intention setting, you will cultivate a sense of empowerment and clarity, allowing your true spirit to shine in all its glory.
This workshop is suitable for practitioners of all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis looking to hone their practice.
Afternoon Session (1pm to 4pm): Integrity and Strength: Connecting to the Core - Inverted Class
This class is designed to cultivate inner strength, stability, and integrity while exploring the playful and empowering world of investing. Explore the pillars of Forrest Yoga, including integrity in alignment and strength from the core. Learn to cultivate a deep connection with your center, allowing you to move with stability and grace both on and off the mat. Discover the exciting world of inversions, including postures like the forearm stand and handstand. Through step-by-step guidance, hands-on adjustments, and accessory support, you'll learn how to approach investing safely and confidently, overcome fear, and experience the joy of turning your world upside down.

This workshop is suitable for practitioners of all levels, from new inversions to experienced yogis looking to hone their practice. Whether you want to get stronger, cultivate balance, or overcome the fear of turning upside down, you'll find inspiration and support in this session.

Whether you are dealing with physical discomfort, emotional stress, or simply looking to deepen your practice, these workshops offer something for everyone.

Suitable for practitioners of all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis.


Bessy Trigka

Bessy Trigka

Bessy Trigka is a distinguished Forrest Yoga teacher who has been dedicated to the practice since 2008. A true pioneer, Bessy Trigka took the initiative to introduce Forrest Yoga to Greece, becoming a catalyst for the growth of the Forrest Yoga practice in the region. Bessy also marked the beginning of a movement that has inspired many others in Greece to embrace this unique and powerful style. Her journey into the world of yoga began with a desire to explore the depths of the mind and body, leading her to the transformative teachings of the renowned Ana Forrest, the creatix of Forrest Yoga. Ana Forrest, a pioneer in the world of yoga, recognized Bessy's unique approach and dedication, fostering a mentor-mentee relationship that has significantly influenced Bessy's teaching style. Under the mentorship and Ana Forrest guidance, Bessy not only honed her practice but also became a beloved and respected teacher in her own right. In 2009, Bessy realized her dream of establishing the "All in Yoga" studio in Greece, a space dedicated to fostering a supportive and transformative yoga community. With an impressive teaching experience of over 15,000 hours, Bessy has honed her skills and refined her approach to guide students through a practice that goes beyond the physical postures, delving into the emotional and spiritual aspects of yoga. Her classes are known for their depth, authenticity, and a unique blend of strength and sensitivity. Recently Bessy Trigka has transitioned into a new chapter of her yoga journey. Fueled by a relentless passion for spreading the transformative power of Forrest Yoga, she has embarked on a journey of global exploration. Travelling with Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco, Bessy is taking her teachings beyond borders, sharing her wisdom and love for the practice with communities around the world. As a teacher, studio owner, and global ambassador for Forrest Yoga, Bessy Trigka continues to inspire and uplift those on the path to self-discovery and holistic well-being.


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