Training of 10 days in 2 modules to deepen Traditional Yoga and its practice with Gustavo Plaza


Block 1: April 1 to 5, 2020

Block 2 from June 17 to 21, 2020


Yogaone Tuset


From 9 to 18,30





Training to acquire a solid and deep knowledge of the science of Yoga. from an approach of the tradition of North India.

Each day combines theory with asana practice, pranayama and meditation.


Block 1: April

  • What is yoga?
  • The path of Yoga
  • Yoga and Religion / s.
  • Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Hatha Yoga philosophy
  • Sukshma Vyayam Yoga, joints and glands, Surya Namaskar
  • Basic asanas
  • Theory about Asana
  • Types of asanas
  • Steps to Asana
  • Asana = stillness
  • Breathing dynamics
  • Mind and breath
  • Steps to meditation.

Block 2: June

  • Overview of traditional yoga, modern yoga and modern yoga schools
  • How yoga came west
  • The Tradition of the Himalayan Masters.
  • Prana and Vayus
  • Variations for Surya Namaskar
  • Asana
  • Koshas and the vehicles of Being
  • Las Gunas
  • Nadi Shodana
  • Ashtanga Yoga, the path of the 8 limbs


Until March 15: € 425

Final Price: € 470

If you are a Yogoane teacher or student of the training consult your Yogaone tuset and Mandri reception at your discount


Gustavo Plaza (Arjuna)

Gustavo Plaza (Arjuna)

He is a respected teacher of Yoga, Meditation and Orientalism. He was initiated into the practice and study of yoga at an early age by his teacher, Father César Dávila. With 30 years of practice, study and share your presentation of Yoga includes the various aspects of the tradition such as Hatha Yoga (alignment-oriented practice), Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Yoga Philosophy and Metaphysics. Gustavo has received personal initiation and teaching directly from Sri Swami Veda Bharati of the Himalayas and Sri Sadhu Maharaja, as well as inspiration from great mentors. His friendship with instructors such as Pandit Beck Pati Sinha, Andrei Ram, Surinder Singh and others, have been of important value in his path. He has participated as an instructor and lecturer in international events such as Bhaktifest (Joshua Tree, California, USA), Dakini Festival (Tuzla, Romania), the Yoga Journal Conference (Moscow, Russia), among other events. He currently offers workshops, classes and courses on Meditation and the vast method of Yoga (asana, pranayama, yoga nidra, etc). Gustavo is an active part of international training for Yoga teachers in other countries and annually offers the "Yoga Rahasya Transformation Training Program" course for all people who seek to deepen their experience in the practice of this ancient discipline. With a firm and solid style, at the same time kind and good humor delivers the message of yoga in many countries through workshops, retreats and master classes.


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